

The 2023 Minnesota legislative session proved monumental for securing clean energy wins that will benefit Minnesotans all across the 状态 and pave the way for the 状态 to meet its ambitious greenhouse gas reduction goals. 今年, the Minnesota House and Senate passed a record number of innovative energy policies to advance the clean energy transition in Minnesota and maximize utilities, 居民, 以及靠谱的外围竞猜app从联邦激励计划中受益的能力, like the 基础设施投资和就业法案 (IIJA) 和减少通货膨胀法 (IRA).


Below are just a few of the clean energy policies that CEE supported this session.

IIJA拨款(竞争力配对补助金) -本期, Minnesota legislators allocated a total of $190 million of 状态 funding for IIJA competitiveness matching grants and technical assistance. This funding will be used to compete for and draw down federal funding available through the IIJA for clean energy infrastructure investments, 包括急需的新输电项目. CEE is proud to have supported this legislation through a large coalition that included utilities, 劳动, 还有环保组织. This 状态 funding will unlock opportunities to leverage federal dollars to modernize Minnesota’s energy system. 在这里阅读法案.

100% by 2040 – This new law will require that 100% of the electricity that Minnesota utilities produce or buy be generated with carbon-free energy resources by 2040. The law includes a process to consider and maintain reliability and affordability; to consider the impact of new, beneficial electric loads on the energy system; and to track job impacts and support workers. 该法案于今年2月获得通过,并由沃尔兹州长签署成为法律. This law is foundational for meeting our 状态’s climate goals and we look forward to supporting its implementation. 在这里阅读法案.

热泵 – Representative Patty Acomb and Senator Jennifer McEwen authored a 状态 heat pump rebate program to support federal IRA incentives and encourage Minnesota homeowners to insulate their homes when installing a heat pump for space heating. Pairing improved insulation with a new air source heat pump helps contain costs, 同时最大限度地发挥热泵系统的效能. 这项立法包括两个方面 附加组件 to complement the rebates, a 状态wide energy coordinator and contractor training programs. These programs will help educate Minnesotans on the clean energy incentives available to them at the utility, 状态, and federal level and train contractors on heat pump technologies to help promote their adoption further. 在这里阅读法案 (页297.25, 308.21和404.17).

低收入生态系统定义澄清 – The Minnesota House and Senate passed legislation to expand access to 足球外围app哪个靠谱 services for low-income households through utilities' Energy Conservation and Optimization (“ECO”) programs. 在会前与公用事业公司的讨论中, it became clear that the 2021 definition of “low-income household” included in the new ECO program was too restrictive and would limit access to efficiency services for many families in-need. CEE partnered with the Energy CENTS Coalition and the Department of Commerce to develop language to increase access to low-income 足球外围app哪个靠谱 services by raising the income eligibility threshold and reducing the administrative burden to verify and document eligibility. 这一政策变化还将使收入资格与个人退休账户激励措施保持一致, allowing utilities to leverage additional federal funding to serve more low-income Minnesotans. 在这里阅读法案 (352页.15).

基准测试 – Representative Larry Kraft and Senator Mitchell authored legislation to require large 建筑 in Minnesota to benchmark their energy consumption. This will allow building owners and operators to identify and implement opportunities for 足球外围app哪个靠谱 by comparing energy consumption across similar 建筑. It also requires utilities to provide data tools to their customers that enable benchmarking, 在保护隐私的同时. 最后, the bill provides funding for the administration of the program and grants to munis to implement and BOMA to train building engineers on the new requirements. 中东欧与广泛的利益攸关方联盟合作, 包括大型电力客户, 合作社事业, 清洁能源组织, 和其他建筑专家, 完善和支持这一重要政策. 在这里阅读法案 (页296.4和367.7).

商法典采用 – CEE worked with the Department of 劳动 and Industry and stakeholders to craft language to advance commercial building codes. The policy will allow the 状态 to adopt the latest ASHRAE commercial energy codes and created a new goal of an 80% reduction in annual net energy consumption to drive 足球外围app哪个靠谱 in our commercial 建筑. 在这里阅读法案 (18页.16).


除了这些清洁能源的胜利, 今年通过了其他一些重要的清洁能源倡议:


CEE相信这些对我们电网的投资, 建筑, 足球外围app哪个靠谱, 和劳动力将推动明尼苏达州走向弹性, reliable clean energy future with economic and environmental benefits for all. 除了通过变革性的能源政策, CEE appreciates that both the House and Senate recognized the additional responsibilities placed upon the Department of Commerce, Division of Energy Resources and the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission and granted them their requested operating budget increases. These two entities will develop and implement more programing than ever before with the passage of 100% Carbon Free by 2040, 基础设施投资和就业法案, 和减少通货膨胀法. 中欧中欧为现在和今后许多年参与这项重要工作而感到自豪.