

Grounded by CEE’s values and history of people-centered programming, we're working intentionally and making progress to improve equity and inclusion throughout our work and workplace. 这是我们的承诺, 和中东欧的其他承诺一样, 我们跟踪这一进展,并对自己负责.

中东欧的多样性, 股本, and 包容 (DEI) Council ensures that we report on ongoing opportunities and progress related to inclusion efforts. 理事会由10名申请加入的忠诚工作人员组成, 以及我们的首席运营官, 人力资源主管, 以及通讯主管. 我们每月开会讨论, 支持, 并跟踪DEI的工作, 我们全年共享学习资源, 就关键话题主持小组讨论, and bring in well-attended guest speakers to enhance cultural awareness.

我们致力于包容性经营, 促进真实的自我表达, and intentionally engaging those who have been historically underserved or underrepresented.


CEE is strengthening our team of 180 energy pros through greater diversity, 现在有24%的BIPOC员工(黑人), 土著, 和其他有色人种), 高于2019年的10%. CEE’s supervisors are about 10% BIPOC and our Leadership Team is 14% BIPOC; both groups are split evenly between men and women. CEE董事会中28%是BIPOC, 57%是女性.

CEE has earned a place among “Star Tribune’s Top Workplaces in Minnesota” both times we’ve competed (2020, 2022). 这一认可完全基于员工的调查反馈, which we’ve taken care to review by self-identified subsets of race and gender. 此外,我们的员工保留率高达87%.5% as a key reflection of the inclusive employee culture we’re working to foster. 

In addition to diversity in hiring and offering staffwide opportunities to learn and engage, we know 支持ive operational practices are critical stabilizers in culture-building. 为此目的, all CEE staff who make purchases or hire contractors are required to undertake anti-偏见 training. 用于大宗采购或合同, staff complete a procurement form that calls for a diverse pool of candidates and multiple bids. 跟踪进度, we ask all contracted vendors to complete a questionnaire on their company’s leadership, resulting in data collected from about 30 vendors in its first year. Our annual processes for team workplans and performance reviews also include explicit questions about equity and inclusion, and CEE uses market salary analyses to assess staffwide pay equity across gender and race.

To further strengthen the inclusive workplace culture we need to succeed, 我们要求所有员工每年完成身份培训, 偏见, 和microaggressions. Our hiring managers are asked to populate their interview panels with a diversity of lived experiences, and all interview panelists must learn in advance about unconscious 偏见es in hiring. 鼓励每个人都全力以赴, 工作中的真实自我, we have incorporated gender-neutral bathrooms into our office environment and staff are invited to add their pronouns to online bios and email signatures.

CEE works to reduce energy cost burdens on families living with lower incomes, a group that overlaps significantly with immigrants and communities of color in Minnesota.


在CEE优先考虑包容性的项目中, 去年与Xcel Energy和CenterPoint Energy合作, our career training program attracted and trained nearly 40 people of color and women to pursue clean energy careers. 随着项目的不断发展, we partner with culturally specific community anchors such as CAPI USA and Migizi to reach key audiences.

在该地区的其他地方, CEE’s technical expertise 支持s the clean energy vision and efforts of tribal communities. 与土著太阳社区电力发展公司合作, our researchers are leading electric vehicle metrics analysis at Red Lake and Standing Rock reservations to quantify operational costs and emission reductions for an inter-tribal EV charging network. 在双子城, CEE’s teams partnered in 2022 with local giants such as Sabathani Community Center, 明尼阿波利斯最古老的非裔美国非营利组织之一. The One-Stop Efficiency Shop led big lighting and HVAC renovations at Sabathani’s community center, and our New 首页s team 支持ed the build and certifications of the organization’s new apartment building next door.

全面的, we aim to reduce energy cost burdens that especially impact families struggling with lower incomes, a group that overlaps significantly in Minnesota with immigrants and communities of color. 根据州卫生局的数据, in 2019 about 31% of Native Americans and 29% of Black Minnesotans lived in poverty, 19%的西班牙裔/拉丁裔和近14%的亚洲人也是如此. 相比之下,白人居民的这一比例约为7%, 尽管白人占总人口的四分之五.

因此,在中东欧2023年的立法优先事项中, we helped land an inclusive state rebate program to build on federal incentives and empower more Minnesotans to improve their homes with efficient heat pumps and insulation. We also co-developed language to raise income eligibility and broaden statewide access to low-income energy efficiency services. 在这样的背景下, CEE’s policy team actively advocates for efficiency-directed utility funding in multifamily buildings that would especially improve the energy cost burdens on Black, 土著, 有色人种租房. 去年,我们还推出了St. Paul residential pilot program focused on low-income, electrically heated multifamily buildings.


我们寻求一种健康的, carbon-neutral economy that works for all people — meaning both the colleagues we work with and the communities we work for. This isn’t a soft-focus side goal; it’s self-preservation. Our vision would be unattainable if only a privileged sliver of people were able to participate in it.

CEE has strategically incorporated inclusive practices into our recruitment and onboarding, 采购与承包, 组织学习和文化建设, 技术研究, 和编程, because embracing the full breadth of who we are helps us every day to reach further and include more people in CEE’s long-term vision, 这需要我们能召集到的所有聪明才智和忠诚的合作伙伴.



Xcel Energy's CIP Workforce Development program, administered by CEE



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